Tuesday, October 16, 2012


I want to go back to blogging, I checked my blog (pinturademivida) and unfortunately I cannot remember my password. How does that sound? :( So here, my new baby, The chronicles of a Pinay Globetrotter.
I have been formulating the whole day of the best words to describe what I want to depict in this blog; traveling, beautiful beaches, lovely things, nifty ideas, adventures, food and all the things that a life of a wanderer can be.

Let's have a colorfully painted life.
[Pintura De Mi Vida] Paint my Life. :)


  1. Been tracking (stalking) you for a while.hehe.. hope you still remember me.. stay happy..God bless..

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    1. William? I'm sorry, this might be a mistake.

    2. William Pamienta.. deserted/erased in your memory I supposed...nyways,I wish you well..

    3. How did you find me? How are you?

  3. I thought you forget about me.. I'm good! I was actually sorting all my old files and saw the printed copy of e-mails we used to send each other. then I tried to google ur name and viola! I just wanted to know how's life been for you.. and see if you are doing ok.. well, it seems that you are doing great...

  4. That was a long time :) I wanna read old emails!!! Are you here in the Philippines?

  5. Yeah! I guess that was 6-7 years ago..still here in middle east.. but I don't have plans on renewing my contract..be home on Feb. or Mar....so, did you really forget about me?

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